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The company CLASS ART BIARRITZ, a limited liability company with a capital of 200 000 € whose head office is located at 5 avenue Matignon, 75008 Paris (France), registered at the Bayonne Trade and Companies Register under the number 890 783 244, publishes the website accessible at the address

Director of publication: Delphine CLASS

The Site is hosted by: Wixcom Inc.
Address: 500 Terry A François Blvd San Francisco, CA 94158 
Website optimization: Agence Fizzweb - Albi Site Internet – référe
ncement de site Wix




  • Qualité des informations

CLASS ART BIARRITZ cannot guarantee in an absolute way the exactness and the exhaustiveness of the information of its website, which do not have a contractual character. CLASS ART BIARRITZ is subjected to an obligation of means, and could not be held for person in charge of any direct or indirect damage because of a badly used information and/or which would have been revealed inaccurate or incomplete.

  • Access to the Site

CLASS ART BIARRITZ cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the access to its Site and those of its partners, or on the contrary of the impossibility of reaching it

  • Distribution of a letter / email

CLASS ART BIARRITZ could not be held for person in charge of the delay, of the loss or of the bad distribution of a mail/e-mail, nor of its sending or not to an erroneous electronic address.

  • Links to other websites

The Site gives access to external websites of partners, by hypertext links or by the integration of contents of partners in the Site.

Although the choice of the links towards external Internet sites was the object of care and vigilance, CLASS ART BIARRITZ cannot be held for person in charge of their provision and their editorial contents.

  • Intellectual Property

The presentation and the contents of this Site constitute a work protected by the laws in force on the intellectual property, of which the company CLASS ART BIARRITZ is the only holder.

The information delivered on the Site can be used only for strictly personal purposes. Any use made for commercial purposes or for any other purpose is forbidden.

In general, CLASS ART BIARRITZ cannot be held responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, resulting from the unauthorized use of the information or any other element, delivered on the Site.




This Site is subject to French law. In the event of a dispute, the French courts will have exclusive jurisdiction.




The company CLASS ART BIARRITZ reserves the right to update the present conditions at any time.

Last update : 25/04/2021

Photo credits : ©CLASS ART BIARRITZ ©Artists and authors

Galerie Pop Art & Street Art, Class Art Biarritz, galerie d'artiste et d'oeuvres Pop Art et Street Art.
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