Sébastien ALLART, Guillaume ANTHONY, Emilie ARNOUX, Daniel ARSHAM, BANKSY, François BOUTET, Nathan BOWEN, Maeva DRACK, Corinne DUBREUIL, Antoine DUFILHO, Shepard FAIREY, Mathieu FORGET, FUTURA 2000, Mehdi GHADYANLOO, Keith HARING, Henri IGLESIS, Robert INDIANA, INVADER, JR, KAWS, Boris KELLERMAN, Jean-Jacques MANCARDI, Eddy MANIEZ, Georges MATHIEU, Géraldine MORIN, Hom NGUYEN, Julian OPIE, Richard ORLINSKI, Hugo PONDZ, Erik SALIN, SEATY, Bob TONIC, ZED, ZENOY
Gallery open Tuesday to Saturday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 to 7 p.m., Sunday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Monday by appointment
Class Art Biarritz is a contemporary art gallery that offers collectors promising or already established artists, and young or confirmed talents of the art world. Street artists, emerging, but also often internationally renowned and unavoidable in urban culture, are highlighted with sculptures, colorful murals, canvases or contemporary paintings, and posters or silkscreens, sometimes monumental. Each street artist can be promoted by an ephemeral vernissage, or an exhibition, whether they are a painter or a visual artist, or whether they are new works or original works. The universe of fine art created by Delphine and Romain Class in their art gallery plunges the visitor into a universe where the place of the artist, whether they are of street art (urban art) or pop art, contemporary or from the hip-hop generation (art attack), is essential. Some contemporary fine artists want to exhibit their work in art galleries that will understand and help them develop in the art market. In contemporary art, which is a recognised art form today, there are works of art in the form of portraits, sculptures, and other forms. The creative gallery owner will have the choice between the artistic approaches of international artists and French artists. The possibilities dedicated to art become almost infinite when it comes to urban street art.